Microsoft Teams

This is a Supported video conferencing tool for hosting meetings, seminars and lectures online.


MS Teams Logo

MS Teams is a great platform for bringing together your Office 365 content, and with tools like recording, live captions, hand raising and the meeting chat, it’s a great choice for hosting webinars with students.

Privacy notice for recording sessions

Please ensure that students are aware that the session will be recorded, and that they have the option to ‘opt out’ and turn off their cameras if they wish. Please also refer students to our privacy notice, which can be found here.

The IGU have highlighted the specific part of this notice that is relevant to the recording of sessions:

As part of our efforts to keep our campuses and other sites safe and secure, enabling us to operate CCTV, body cams and audio and visual recordings of lectures and seminars.

Can I use it?

This tool is marked as Supported in the Teaching and Learning Ecosystem document, meaning while it may not integrate perfectly with Aula and may or may not use Single Sign on, it’s generally available to staff for teaching and learning. If you’re not sure how to get started, you can contact the Learning Enhancement Team to find out more.

Firewall Status: Safe  This tool is likely to work for learners in countries with more restrictive firewalls

What can I do with it?

Here are some articles other educators and support staff have created to help you use this tool:


  • Noah Mitchell

    I work at Coventry University's Disruptive Media Learning Lab where I focus on digital projects such as Coventry.Domains. I'm passionate about digital fluency, design and user experience.

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Updated on September 29, 2022
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