Introducing Inspera

Inspera is a cloud-based assessment platform that has been selected by Coventry University Group as its digital assessment platform.  The long term vision is to use this platform to manage all our assessment workflows.  For Academic Year 2023-24 the focus will be on using Inspera for its quizzing functionality and to move from paper-based formal invigilated examinations to digital provision.

Inspera provides a range of question types, automatically and manually marked plus not marked questions.  It supports the use of multiple attempts for the automatically marked questions, providing the functionality required for the use of Core Assessments. 

Inspera is a role based system, for each assessment staff will be allocated to the role or roles required.  The use of the roles will be an important element of how Inspera is used to manage assessment workflows going forward.

All assessments will be developed, delivered and managed from the Inspera platform.  It will be organised by subject clusters, so helping facilitate sharing of questions with these clusters. 

Accessing Inspera

To start using Inspera you need to be assigned roles for the functionality that you require. 

As all assessments are held on the Inspera platform there are protocols and naming conventions that will need to be followed when creating Questions and Question Sets.  Therefore, before accessing the platform staff will be required to complete training on the use of Inspera

Access will be available using your University credentials.

Student access will also be available using their University credentials. Students will access their Inspera assessments initially via Inspera directly.  Once integration is set up access will be via Aula module spaces.  For closed book invigilated exams, Safe Exam Browser (SEB), will be used. The SEB will be available on PCs in computer labs or if used on personal devices can be downloaded.

In addition to the main tenancy used for delivery of assessments there will be a ‘test’ tenancy which staff can use to develop their use of the Inspera platform.

Try it out

If you want to explore Inspera further then try out this demonstration test, no username and password is required to access and there are no limits on how many times you access the test.  This is an example of a demo test that can be set up.  Demo tests are also available from the student support pages, these can be shared with students in advance of their use of Inspera to familiarise them with the platform.

Further Guidance

If you are interested in using Inspera please contact Paul Cashian ( or Martin Jenkins (


Updated on May 7, 2024
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