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Innovative case studies to help you deliver teaching excellence

Innovation in teaching and learning plays a key role in the fantastic student experiences which the Coventry University Group can offer. Across the Group, there are colleagues experimenting with novel and impactful approaches to pedagogy. The Academic Development website is home to a collection of case studies which showcase some of these innovations, all of which are linked to the six pillars of the Education Strategy.   

How will reading case studies help me as a teacher? 

The case studies offer insights into how academic colleagues have found creative ways to engage with their students as they progress with their learning journeys. They are sourced from a range of subject areas and levels of study, but no matter what (and who!) you are teaching, you can find ideas that can be applied your own context.  

Each case study is designed to be a “quick read”, with a practical basis so you can easily learn what the lecturer did to innovate, and how it was received by their students.  

Teaching highlights from our case study collection  

In the current article, particular aspects of the case studies are highlighted, but each of them can be linked to multiple pillars of the Education Strategy. For more detail, take a look at the original files.  

Research inspired teaching  

Research and teaching can influence each other across a range of positive dimensions, a few of which are highlighted here.  

  • Students may engage in Problem Based Learning (PBL), in which they apply foundational knowledge of a topic and their own skills to tackle real-world issues. For examples of this, see the case studies by:  
  • Fruitful research projects undertaken by students and staff alike can follow on from activities conducted within taught modules, such as experimenting with physical learning environments, and undertaking field trips. See case studies by: 

Embedded employability 

Virtually all the practices outlined in the case studies support students’ employability. However, there are some which have particular strengths in this area, where students have been able to benefit from- and to establish their own- links to the relevant profession(s).   

  • Students can gain insights into the “real world” practices which operate in their chosen industry by undertaking placements, projects, and collaborations with employers. Some modules invite guest lecturers from the industry to share their practical experiences with students. See case studies by: 

Creativity and enterprise  

Many Coventry academics provide fantastic opportunities for students to hone their skills in creativity and enterprise by pioneering truly innovative learning experiences.  

  • Students might engage with learning spaces and artefacts in novel ways, situating themselves in actual or virtual environments in which they can experiment and thrive. See case studies by:  

Intercultural and international engagement 

The University’s truly global student profile, as well as its myriad contacts with institutions abroad, give students huge potential to engage in this area.  

  • Examples include Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL, formerly OIL) projects, as well as dedicated activities to support intercultural communication. See case studies by: 

Community contribution and responsibility  

Teaching can provide exciting opportunities for students to give something back to their community, whether within or outside of the University.  

  • Students may reach out to support local people, sharing their knowledge and skills to help others achieve their own goals. Alternatively, as final-year students or alumni, they may collaborate with academics to support students at earlier stages of the course. See case studies by: 

Innovation and digital fluency  

Harnessing digital technology to enhance learning experiences is now more important than ever. CU’s EdTech Ecosystem provides a suite of tools which can be used for this purpose, and the Learning Enhancement Team are on hand to support you in choosing the tech that will most effectively support your students.   

  • Whether learning remotely or from the classroom, students can engage with digital tools to complement and consolidate their learning. See case studies by: 

Further reading

For further inspiration, check out the eBook Teaching and Learning Excellence – The Coventry Way, edited by Claire Simmons of the Academic Development team. In addition, the  team’s Academic Professional Development programme includes practically focused webinars to help you enhance your teaching and learning practice- check the booking system for the latest opportunities.   


  • Annie Bryan

    Annie is part of the Academic Development team, working to support academics from across the Coventry University Group to provide excellent teaching and learning. She has a particular interest in assessment and inclusive practice.

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Updated on April 16, 2021
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