Inspera: Creating Questions and Question Sets

This article provides guidance on creating Questions and Questions Sets, focusing on the process and organisational decisions including naming Conventions, organising questions within Question Sets, sharing questions and questions sets with co-authors, tagging questions and adding in additional resources.  Links are provided to guidance on authoring the different question types.

This article will be of use to those new to using Inspera and should be read prior to creating questions.

Naming Conventions

All Questions and Question Sets that you create will be stored together within an organisational unit, based on discipline areas, which you will share with colleagues.  This presents opportunities for sharing questions, it does also mean that it is important that all Questions and Question Sets are clearly named.  As Inspera is a role-based system it is important there is certainty which Question Sets need to be assigned to each test, clear naming is required for this reason.  In addition clear naming will aid searching for questions when adding to tests and help Educational Technologists when they are providing support.

The naming conventions that are required can be accessed in this Knowledge Base article: Inspera Naming Conventions.

Creating Questions

Questions can be created directly and added to the Question Bank, for later allocation to a Question Set or created as a Question Set is developed.  Inspera provides a range of automatically marked, manually marked and not-marked questions. 

In addition to using the clear naming convention outlined above labels can be used to tag questions.  These can be used to search for questions which can be helpful when adding already created questions to a Question Set. 

Questions can be shared with colleagues who are also assigned to the same organisational unit.  This will enable colleagues to be co-authors or to re-use questions.  If Questions are to be re-used ensure they are duplicated and clearly labelled before any changes are made.

Further information – Create a question

Creating a Question Set

Question Sets are used to group and structure questions for scheduling as a test.  A Question Set will typically be made up of several Sections each containing different groupings of questions or providing a sign-posting function.  Within Question Sets, Sections are used as organisational features which allows the presentation of questions to be determined. 

When designing your Question Sets consider the following points:

  • Sections can be used for:
    • Adding information / signposting
      • Using Document questions to provide information pages.
      Question Randomisation
      • This can be through randomising the order of the questions within a section. Or by pulling a specified number of questions from the questions within that Section. 
      Allowing candidates to select specific questions. 
      • This can be used, for example, where students need to select 2 questions from 4.
      Providing a question stimulus
      • Where a question or group of questions require a stimulus (additional information).  Changing the Section layout allows presentation of the stimulus to the left or above each question in that Section.
  • Additional Resources
    • For tests that are being delivered using a lock-down browser, specified additional resources can be provided which can be accessed during the test.  These additional resources can be webpages or pdf documents.  Where webpages are provided it is only the specific link that can be accessed.
  • Design Settings
    • How the Question Set is displayed can be managed through the Design settings (using Design button at bottom of Question Set screen).  This can be used to determine a range of factors including numbering scheme, student navigation, showing question titles and marks.
  • Sharing
    • Question Sets can be shared with colleagues who are assigned to the same organisational unit you are allocated to.  This will enable colleagues to be co-authors.  If Question Sets are to be re-used ensure the Question Set is duplicated and clearly labelled before any changes are made.

Further information – Question sets and settings


Updated on May 7, 2024
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