Getting started with Inspera

This article outlines the steps you need to take to get started, including setting out expectations and naming conventions that need to be followed.

The guidance in this article relates to the initial roll out of Inspera through academic year 2023-24.  In these early stages (October 2023 – April 2024), while we await integration between Aula and Inspera to be set up getting started with Inspera will be a managed process, as set out below.  This guidance will be regularly reviewed and updated.

Getting started

  1. Attend introductory briefing and training session
    1. This training will provide an introduction to setting questions and scheduling assessments.  Sessions are now available and can be booked on the Professional Development booking system
    1. It will also set out the required naming conventions for setting questions and assessments
    1. It will also set out expectations for how students are prepared for the use of Inspera, through the use of demo tests and where necessary setting up practice mock assessments
  2. Familiarise yourself with the required naming conventions
  3. Try out the example demo tests to help familiarise yourself with the different question types in Inspera
    1. Link to demo test
  4. Explore – once you have attended a briefing and training session you will be given access to the test server where you can start to try out Inspera


Updated on May 7, 2024
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