Aula Inspera Integration

Update March 2024

This communication provides an update on integration between Inspera and Aula.  It is of importance for those staff planning to use Inspera as a quizzing tool during academic year 2023-24.

Inspera is the new digital assessment platform that the University is introducing, which will replace the use of both Aula quizzes and Moodle quizzes.  Inspera provides a range of question types, automatically and manually marked.  It supports the use of multiple attempts for the automatically marked questions, providing the functionality required for the use of Core Assessments.

Integration update

The first stage of the Aula-Inspera integration has now been enabled; this currently only available on the Materials pages in Aula not the Assignment block (see Figure 1 below)

Figure1: Accessing the Inspera Integration link in Aula

The link enables Inspera assessments to be set up through selecting the Inspera integration link in Aula and students can then follow this link to access the assessment.  To make use of this integration is important to ensure the following conditions have been met regarding your access to Inspera.

Integration conditions

  • Note that the integration is enabled between the main Inspera installation ( and the Coventry University, CU Group and Coventry University London Aula sites.
  • Please note the integration has not been applied to the Inspera Test site.
  • To be able to set up an assessment in Inspera you will need to have been added to the main Inspera installation with the Author and Planner roles which enable the creation of questions (Author role) and the scheduling of assessments (Planner role).  If you have not yet been added to the Inspera Production server you will get a 404 error message.
  • To be added to the main Inspera installation you must first have attended one of the ‘Getting Started with Inspera’ workshops.  You can book onto one of these sessions via the Professional Development booking site. 
  • Following attendance of a ‘Getting Started with Inspera’ workshop you will be given access to the Inspera Test installation. The Inspera Test installation can be used as a sand-pit area to develop your initial Questions and Question Sets.  Once Question Sets have been developed on the Inspera Test installation and are ready for use they can be transferred to the main Inspera installation.  You will be added to the main Inspera installation, with the Author and Planner roles, in conjunction with this. Support for this process is available from the Education Technologists (

The second stage of the Aula-Inspera integration will allow for results to be automatically transferred back to the Student Success App in Aula, to enable grades to be passed to the Universe students records system.  This is due for completion by June/July 2024.  Until then results will need to be downloaded from Inspera in an Excel file (csv format) and uploaded to Aula. 

Inspera Support Information


Updated on May 13, 2024
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