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Artificial Intelligence and Assessment

Staff Guidance – Coventry University Group

The emergence of Artificial Intelligence tools is having and will continue to have a significant impact on all University Group activities.  How we engage with these tools is set out in the ‘Use of Artificial Intelligence Standard’ for Coventry University Group, which aims to align with emerging national and international standards and principles, for example:

  1. Universities will support students and staff to become AI-literate.
  2. Staff should be equipped to support students in using generative AI tools effectively and appropriately in their learning experience.
  3. Universities will adopt teaching and assessment to incorporate the ethical use of generative AI and support equal access.
  4. Universities will ensure academic rigour and integrity are upheld.
  5. Universities will work collaboratively to share best practices as the technology and its application in education evolves.

These principles provide the basis for this advice and guidance which sets out expectations for how AI tools are used and introduced to our students.   The position statement on Artificial Intelligence notes: 

The University Group recognises the potential of AI tools in our teaching, learning and in the workplaces that our students will be entering.  It is therefore important that we support their use in a considered and transparent way that recognises the associated risks. [University Position Statement]

Supporting the use of AI tools in your teaching, learning and assessment

How AI tools could be potentially used will vary across courses and modules.  It is essential that the approach to using AI tools is coordinated at the course level and that expectations, within specific modules, are clearly communicated to students. 

The following activities do therefore need to be undertaken:

Course level

  • Develop students AI literacies by providing opportunities to understand how it might be used in your discipline areas and for students to experience its use.  Provide, opportunities to explore the benefits and limitations of using AI.
  • Ensure expectations for students to acknowledge the use of AI as part of any assessment are clearly communicated.

Module level

  • Clearly set out the expectations for how AI tools might be used in any assessments using the three categories outlined below:
    • Red – no use of AI tools permitted; reserved for assessments in examination conditions i.e., Examinations, OSCEs and Vivas.
    • Amber – AI use is allowed to assist in the development of an assessment in line with the student guidance. 
    • Green – integral, use of AI is designed into the task.  Students will demonstrate critical engagement with AI tools.  As a requirement equitable access must be ensured.
  • Review assessments through the moderation process to ensure opportunities for academic misconduct using AI are minimised.


  • Develop your own understanding of the use of AI through the support sessions and resources that are provided by the University Group.


Updated on September 8, 2024
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