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Assessment and AI – design principles

The use of AI does present challenges and opportunities for how it is used in our teaching, learning and assessment practice.  All courses will need to continually review their assessments to identify potential risk for academic misconduct and where such risk is identified to undertake assessment re-design informed by the following principles.

  • A course level approach to assessment, adopting authentic tasks that support students to be able to engage with AI in an ethical and active way through the course and beyond.
    • The use of AI needs to be incorporated into assessment design in a ‘considered and transparent’ way that develops students’ capabilities and critical analysis of the use of AI.
    • The assessment will develop students AI literacies.
    • Course teams will ensure students have equitable opportunities to engage with AI.
  • A range of inclusive and contextualised assessments are used to ensure the quality of assessment judgements.
    • To ensure there is confidence in the academic judgements resulting from assessments across a course there is a need for a range of assessments that allow for triangulation.
    • A greater focus on assessing the learning process.
    • Identify key assessment points where greater focus is needed on assessment of learning to inform decisions on progression and completion.  Making use of the range of assessments available in the University (ie course based)

These principles have been informed by TEQSA (2023) Assessment reform for the age of artificial intelligence.


Updated on August 1, 2024
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