Time Constrained Assessments Guidance

Time Constrained Assessments (TCA) are those for which students have a fixed period to complete the assessment, usually measured in hours, from an identified specific start time.  This guidance sets out recommendations for the time windows used with different types of TCA.  As there are several variables in setting up TCAs the guidance starts by providing some definitions, to make clear the distinctions and help inform the requirements in setting up and delivering these assessments.  Additional notes are included with the definitions on how the functionality provided by the incoming digital assessment platform, Inspera, can support these.


Invigilated assessments (Exams and Phase tests)

Fixed time, with assessments scheduled for a specific start time and with a set duration.

  • Formal exams administered through Academic Registry and required to meet requirements of a PSRB where appropriate – normally delivered in week 13. 
  • Phase tests – delivered at identified points through the semester and administered by Schools.
  • Using Inspera these can include automatically marked or manually marked assessments.  These assessments would normally be run using a lockdown browser, however if students are allowed access to specific resources (specific URL i.e. online calculator or pdf) this can be enabled.
  • Where students need to take the test remotely then the Inspera Exam Portal will be required to be used. 

Non-invigilated assessment (TCAs)

Normally open book assessments that have a set duration for completion.

  • Fixed time and duration TCA – assessment is scheduled to start at a specific time and is open for a fixed duration from that start point.  This would mean those starting late only have until the end time to complete the assessment.  Examples include automatically marked test, non-invigilated Phase Test.
  • Flexible start time, fixed duration – for example a Core Assessment using automatically marked questions.  TCA is available for students to access (with multiple attempts if Core) within a broad time window. Once started students have a fixed time to complete.
  • Fixed duration within time window TCA – assessment is available within a specified time window but once started the students have a fixed time to complete (ie 2 hours)
    • Inspera allows setting of opening and closing times plus a duration for the assessment.  For example, if the assessment duration is two hours then should a student start the assessment within two hours of the close time, they will not get two hours, the assessment will close at the end of the window time for which the assessment was available.
    • Where Aula is used note that the duration of the assessment cannot be fixed

Recommendations for TCAs

Invigilated assessments (Exams and Phase tests) – these assessments will have a fixed duration and start time.

  • Where using digital assessments that require access through a lock down browser consideration should be given to opening the assessment 15 minutes early to allow students to access the lock down browser and run through any required system checks.  Once started they will have only the specified duration as a maximum.
  • Invigilated assessments will be delivered on campus.  In exceptional circumstances where students are taking invigilated exams remotely then Inspera should be used with the Inspera Exam Portal.  If the exams have PSRB requirements use of the IEP will need to be confirmed.  If any other tools are used to proctor remote assessments this must meet GDPR requirements.

Non-invigilated assessment (TCAs)

  • Fixed time and duration TCA – assessment is scheduled to start at a specific time and is open for a fixed duration from that start point.
    • Consideration should be given to opening the assessment 15 minutes early to allow students to access Inspera.  Once started they will have only the specified duration as a maximum.
  • Flexible start time, fixed duration.
    • Once accessed students have a fixed time to complete.
  • Fixed duration within time window TCA
    • It is recommended the specified time window should be no more than 4 hours.
    • Duration of the assessment clearly stated.
  • For a non-invigilated assessment students should be advised to take this while on campus to ensure reliable Internet access.


Updated on August 31, 2023
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