Customising your online experience – Operating systems

This article focuses on your device and how to get the most out of its functionality.

Experiment with the options available to create the set-up that works best for you and the work you are doing.



Microsoft has a wealth of features that are built into its operating system to help you tailor your device to your needs.

Microsoft also has Cortana, a personal productivity assistant, built into its operating system. Though it is only available in certain countries/regions, and some Cortana features might not be available everywhere, you may find it helpful in several areas, especially if you learn some key tricks.

Android also offers similar support features.


Apple also has many preference settings, including accessibility preferences, that help you tailor your experience.

Apple also provides many features on its iPhone to support you.

Shortcut keys

These keys are based on operating system rather than application.

  • Copy: Ctrl + C on Windows, Command + C on Mac
  • Cut: Ctrl + X on Windows, Command + X on Mac
  • Paste: Ctrl + V on Windows, Command + V on Mac
  • Undo: Ctrl + Z on Windows, Command + Z on Mac
  • Find: Ctrl + F on Windows, Command + F on Mac
  • Select all: Ctrl + A on Windows, Command + A on Mac
  • Bold: Ctrl + B on Windows, Command + B on Mac
  • Italic: Ctrl + I on Windows, Command + I on Mac
  • Print: Ctrl + P on Windows, Command + P on Mac

* Bullet Point: * + space will often create a bullet point 

* Numbered List: 1.+ Space will often create a numbered list 

These are application dependent rather than system dependent so won’t work every time but will work most of the time.

If you can’t use a mouse for any reason (the battery ran out, the dog chewed it, you have a plaster cast on, etc) this page on 47 Keyboard Shortcuts That Work in All Web Browsers is really helpful for navigating browsers using the keyboard only.

Mouse settings

Windows 11 

Mac OS X – chose your OSX version at the top of the page

Further help

Articles on Customising your online experience – Browser tools and functions and Customising your online experience – Microsoft applications have also been created.

If you’ve had a play with these settings and still need help with specific needs you have due to a disability, long-term medical condition or a specific learning difference (SpLD), you can access support at Coventry University through the Disability Team who are part of Health and Wellbeing.


  • Nicola Fordham

    Nicola is a Learning Designer and pedagogy lead in the Content Team at Coventry University Online working with course teams across the CU Group. She has a particular interest in accessibility, inclusion, and belonging.

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